Sunday, May 17, 2009

Medical Update

As of today:
I spent 2 hours at the doctor's office. My third trip there this week.
Reese had to have blood work done. My fourth trip to the lab in 10 days.
Conclusion: Virus nothing to do but wait it out, but she has an eye infection too, needed a prescription.
Went to two different pharmacies to get said eye medication.
Finally got back home at 2, we left at 8am.
While making dinner, Addison announces that her ear hurts really, really, really bad. And says it hurt this morning, too bad she didn't tell me so she could have went to the doctor's office with me.
Also while making dinner, I noticed the shirtless Caden has a rash/hives/I-don't-know-what all over him. It itches he says.
After dinner, Aaron takes 2 children who haven't been to the doctor this week to the 24 hour clinic. I told him he was taking them because if I had to spend one more second in a waiting room, I may go completely crazy.
Aaron returns with 2 prescriptions for Addison's double ear infections and for Caden's not sure what the heck it is rash.
Aaron makes our third trip to the pharmacy today.
This is all true . . . I could not possibly make this up. So I call it no more sickness of any kind allowed here for at least a month. The parents need time to recover!

On a happier note:
This guy is feeling much better and here's his smile to prove it
I hadn't seen it in so long, I'd almost forgotten how darn cute he is.
I also forgot how goofy he is and that he can talk non-stop very loudly.

And my wonderful husband spent the entire time I was with Reese this morning cleaning our entire downstairs and doing ALL the laundry. How great that was to come home too. Here's to a healthier week for everyone!

1 comment:

Chrissi said...

Brooke had 5ths Disease this week. It's a bad rash that itches. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it, another thing that has to run its course. Bummer. That could be what Caden has but I would think the doctor would have picked that up. You and I need to go out for margaritas and get away from these sick kids!