popsicle mold, exciting, huh?
This has been one of the highlights of the day right after Vacation Bible School. The kids were starved after Bible School each night because they wouldn't eat the nice suppers they were given so this was their treat. 3 year olds and popsicles don't go so great together around here.
It's hard to explain to people who have children one at a time because if you have one child who isn't so great at handling popsicles like those ones in the plastic pouch that you push up to eat, you can sit and help them with your undivided attention, dab their mouths, wipe their hands as you go, show them, talk them through it. When you have 3 demanding, overtired, grouchy 3 year olds who aren't quite old enough to do the push up ones by themselves and make a HUGE mess on themselves, their clothes, and the floor and furniture (times 3, thank you!) while running everywhere and dropping them on the floor and/or ground and insist on eating them with hair/dirt stuck to them then you never want to see another messy popsicle again.
Popsicle eating usually ends in tears for all of us. If I buy other kinds of popsicles then there are fights about what color they want, or they don't like this kind, etc, etc, etc. So this way they are all the same and the mess was less because they had handy little drip catchers on the bottom of the stick. We've been making all kinds too: Tuesday was a blueberry smoothie popsicle, Wednesday was Apple Juice, Thursday was banana pudding, and tonight is Lemonade. I like that the smoothie one had blueberry yogurt (which Ethan won't eat -- but he did when it was frozen on a stick mixed with milk, a banana, and apple juice); so it's way more healthy than the colored sugar water ones. It is so easy and cheap to use whatever we have on hand and sneaking in the nutrition is quite fun for me. Here you can find some recipes if you don't want to wing it like me (I am going to try the applesauce ones next, hmmmm if I add some sprinkles that may be
Hip, Hip, Hooray, for Popsicles!
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