And because the "goose" wouldn't "wait, stop" Ethan thought he would tip-toe up to it and yell really loud in case it was hard of hearing!
Here's a couple of good-lookin' guys that I love!
The salsa I made! I'm gonna make some more.
Here's the load of stuff we had to take to preschool on Monday. This is just for Ethan!
Doesn't he look like a big boy walking to school! So cute!
Here's my brave boy with his new stitches! Ignore the dirty nose and the ketchup on his mouth but do pay attention to those blue eyes!
Here's the second trip to preschool to drop off the supplies! What a load -- thank goodness we have the Choo Choo Wagon!
Our neighbors, The Agan's, walked with us to preschool. Their daughter Sam is in class with Addison and Caden. This is quite a long line!
Here's someone who thinks she is hot stuff riding like a big girl in the wagon. She was squealing and raising her hands above her head. I think she's ready for roller coasters already!
I can't believe they are old enough for preschool and that she has a locker!
Addison was so excited for school and is still loving it!
Ethan loves having his photo taken. He had a much better day today according to his teacher. I didn't get any details but I think I'll leave it at that. And guess what? Today he peed on the potty for me! I wanted to shout it from the rooftops but the best I could do after I screamed hysterically in the bathroom was open the window and yell the news to our rooftop to Daddy and Papa!
Mr. GQ himself. He's too cool to smile on his first day of preschool. Look out ladies!
This is for Aunt Keely who bought Reese this super cute shirt and wants to see her in it!
Tah Dah! He made it through the first day!
Rub-a-Dub-Dub, these 4 kids really don't fit in one tub.
This one loves the water! If she sees the bathroom door open, she speed crawls to get in. Once in she's trying to pull herself up to stand by the tub! I have found her way too many times in the last two days playing the cat's water bowl. Clothes and hair soaked, and she's loving every moment of it!
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