Monday, March 31, 2008
Kid Appreciation . . . I'll lend you some!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Do you think I have a problem?
Hi, my name is Mindy and I'm addicted to taking photos (whew -- glad I got that off my chest). I have taken 640 photos in March so far -- hey, there's two whole days left I can get at least 100 more taken in just two days. In February I took over 900. We don't even go anywhere like on vacation or anything most of them are just ordinary shots from home. Now that 900 photos probably has at least half that are weird photos I took of things like scrapbook pages, blog photos like soda cans, lotion, or Easter eggs, and just bad photos that all need to be deleted. I'm really not a very good photographer at all and the lighting in my house is horrible. I have to take about 20 if there is just one person involved and 20 more for each person in the photo to get just one sort of decent one. My kids are the worst at wanting to get their photo taken (unless their brother or sister is holding the camera then they are all about posing and smiling just too bad the photographer usually has their finger over the lense or is aiming at their feet). All I can say it's a good thing that digital cameras were invented. I don't print very many of my photos either; they are all on the computer. I usually on print the ones that I want to scrapbook, but even then I hardly ever get around to using them. If I printed all the photos I took, we need to build on to our house just for photos and Aaron would need a second job to pay for the developing. When the triplets were first born I used to print them all, and then so I would remember I'd write their names on the back and the date and then put them in an album. I couldn't keep up and we can't afford to do that. In the beginning of January I decided in my quest to simplify I would go through each month's photos at the end of the month to delete the ones I didn't want and upload my very favorites that month to a photo site like Walgreens or just in case my computer crashes and I lose all my photos then I'll at least have my favorites. I thought when I did January of 2008 that I would go back and do all the Januarys (2005, 2006, 2007). I started and never finished January of 2008. Story of my life, good intentions, but little time with too many interruptions always makes me fall short of my goals. I just need to keep plugging away I guess.
Friday, March 28, 2008
I don't know how Horton could hear a darn thing!
We did it, we took them to the movies! We saw "Horton Hears a Who". It's a good thing there were only 2 other sets of people in the theater with us and they turn up the movie volume REALLY LOUD. Actually for 3 years old they did pretty well but we took up about 10 seats because Addison and Caden kept moving seats. We sat in the first row of the stadium seats and there was a railing in front us which doubled as monkey bars. Ethan giggled and giggled at some parts (he likes violence like where the monkeys are trying to stop Horton with bananas) and he pretty much sat on Daddy's lap the entire movie. Caden thought we were at home and took off his shoes then I found his socks laying in the aisle -- just like home. We brought contra ban candy and drinks (from Walmart) and purchased the biggest bucket of popcorn ($12.75 with 2 gigantic sodas -- Yikes!) at the theater but I forgot to bring little bags to share the popcorn so there was a big deal of who would hold the bucket and a lot of "Hey!" when someone reached in to get more popcorn. Ethan ate a whole box of Whoppers by himself so we'll see how long until he throws up later tonight. We made it through the whole movie but 90 minutes is about our limit. Getting them out of the theater proved to be a problem as they were running up and down the rows of seats plus all our stuff doubled while we were in there I think and trying to pack up and carry everything was a challenge. The theater employees probably wondered why it looked like they had a full house when there was a total of 10 people as we left quite the mess. The baby even liked the movie, she watched for a while before she ate and went to sleep. Aaron says we'll have to buy the movie when it comes out on DVD so he can watch it. I'm not sure what he was doing during the movie but I managed to see it and that was with making 3 trips to the bathroom and purchasing popcorn.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
4 months already?
I can't believe time is going so fast. She is still a great sleeper and continues to sleep in her crib at night. I have yet to get her on a "strict schedule" although I know about when she is tired and hungry. It's so different than with the triplets but a schedule is a must with multiples. But she's getting to the age where I need to get her some set times to sleep but she pretty much can sleep anywhere still when she's tired and with a TON of noise going on (imagine that, it's noisy here) -- it's not like she has to be put to bed or anything. Our main problem is the last few weeks with sickness and Daddy being gone we just kind of did whatever, whenever. Some days we get up at 7 am and sometimes it's almost 9. Reese must be working on teeth, she is a slobbering fool. She's still super happy (except today a little cranky because she hasn't pooped in 5 days -- she usually poops twice a week -- Tuesdays and Sundays but this week she missed her Tuesday poop -- FYI my doctor says breastfed babies can go 12 days and not poop and it's okay, let's hope that doesn't happen here). She is loving to play with toys and she LOVES her siblings so much and the feeling is totally mutual from all of them! I hope that it all continues.
A Little R & R
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Happy Birthday, Jackson!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Look at Reese's cute little chick basket with bunny ears added.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
If I were a drinking woman . . .
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Lucky Me!
Monday, March 17, 2008
There's a party going on . . .
Sunday, March 16, 2008
My Splurge!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Keely to the Rescue!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Reese's World Gets More Colorful
Monday, March 10, 2008
Room Rearranging = Serenity Now
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Who needs a Jacuzzi?
Saturday, March 8, 2008
My Temporary Mantra: This too shall pass!
I'm not so physically tired as I am mentally exhausted from no breaks from them. It seems like as soon as they are in bed, I start feeling the need to go there myself so I have no "me" time. Boy, do I realize just how important that "me" time is. My house being so messy exhausts me too. I start to pick up but then there's 3 people behind me undoing my work!
On top of all this I feel the need to say I HATE TIME CHANGES! Every time I hear it mentioned on TV or the radio the people are so positive about it and it makes me want to shake them. "It will give us so much more daylight time . . ." WHATEVER they must not have little kids! It plays havoc with their schedule. I know you're thinking everything will just happen an hour later for them . . . WRONG somehow it goes an hour the opposite way you think and then they are all messed up and I'm all messed up. Like tomorrow I will think they will be getting up at 8am the new time but really they will get up at 6am the new time which is really 5am the old time! Maybe I should be like Kramer in that episode of Seinfeld and say I'm not changing my clocks . . . of course this could cause a problem when the rest of world moves an hour ahead huh?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Now I know my problem . . .
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Budding Photographers?
Here's some of "still life shots":
This is our underwear basket. What? You don't have an underwear basket sitting on your coffee table -- you need to get with the times!