I found the directions for this pocket board a few weeks ago when I made my creative journal (hey -- I finished that too!). I tore this out of a how-to magazine a few years ago {I think} and as I was sorting my stuff into my creative journal I saw it and thought it could be a way to help me organize some of my printed photos. Originally, it is supposed to be used to hold office supplies but I think it will work well for photos. There are twelve pockets and I can even fit 5x7 prints in the middle pockets. I have photos separated by subject so when I have a little bit of time to scrapbook I can just pull out a set and go! Many times I want to scrap but don't know what I want to do and I can't even remember what photos I have printed up so this will help. Now my only problem is it's a little heavy to hang. I don't think that's gonna happen. We used a piece of plywood we already had so we didn't have to spend any more money on it. It does sit nicely on a table or desk as long as it can lean against a wall, unfortunately I don't have a table or desk big enough or with any good wall space to put it now so I will have to do some thinking as to where to put it plus it will have to be out of Reesey's reach -- she will never be able to resist pulling all those photos out and crinkling, sucking, ripping, and eating them. I spent about $8 total on it -- the printed brown/teal fabric was $5 and the foam was $3 (with a coupon -- foam is outrageously priced). I already had the brown suede fabric, batting, and the plywood too. Now that I can see some of those photos I want to scrap . . . maybe they'll be some time today!
And yesterday this girl couldn't find her shoes and our rule is if you go outside you must have on pants and shoes. So she found the cowboy boots that are from when they turned 2 years old and way too small and on the wrong feet but doesn't she look sweet skipping down the sidewalk without a care in the world!
And because I loved doing my week in the life project so much that now I'm trying to photograph more of the everyday moments and it's hard not to be taking photos all the time so this morning before school I got these:
As I was sitting at the end of the train table watching all 4 of them play together, I just thought what a great moment to see the children I never thought I have, having a good time, laughing, learning, thriving . . . it's nice just to sit back and soak it up sometimes . . . they are great kids!
Mindy, how about some hangers on the back? And get a couple anchors in your wall to hang it up. That is such an awesome idea to put printed pics in it.
Hi SuperMom,
I just found this blog and am amazed. You are clearly making a wonderful, happy and memorable childhood for these beautiful kids.
God Bless You All.
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