Tuesday, July 3, 2007

This Baby's a Mover & a Shaker!

Yesterday I had my regular sonogram at my OB's office. It was nice to see the baby again. I have been feeling it move some but not a lot. The sonogram tech had some trouble getting good measurements because this baby NEVER EVER stopped moving the whole time. Arms, legs everywhere. I saw it do somersaults and move it's little head -- it's crazy! It reminds me of Addison when I was pregnant -- she HATED sonograms and having the heartbeat/contraction monitor on EVERY SINGLE TIME. She always moved and punched and kicked my bladder more times than I can count. Now Addison can sit still but her mouth doesn't seem to stop moving -- it's a girl thing! The baby also reminds me of Ethan of how he is always going, going, going all day long -- he's either jumping, running, walking, etc! So the baby could be a boy or a girl and we aren't finding out. Everything looked good baby wise: growing well, measuring on target, etc. They found a fibroid in my uterus which my last sonogram at the peri showed one and then it "disappeared" so they just thought it was just a contraction. But evidently it is a fibroid but doctor said nothing to be too concerned about as long as it doesn't get huge. I have another peri sonogram in August so I will have them check it and measure it just to be sure.

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