Friday, March 27, 2009


I know I'm becoming on those bloggers that never updates their blogs . . . bad blogger. I have no good excuse. Just not feeling myself lately these days . . . overwhelmed would be the best word. I have a lot going on . . . we all have a lot going on but lately seems like my "list" is miles long and my ambition is not existent . . . it will be fine . . . I will be fine . . . everything will get back into sync again just takes time . . . in the meantime I'm not blogging much but on a happier note I am trying to maintain the laundry situation . . . situation is the right word for my laundry.

Another excuse for my non-blogging is my computer is FULL to the brim. I finally looked up how many photos are on my computer: 23,808. It will not take one more and it reminds me this every three seconds. My wonderful sister gave me an external hard drive for my birthday and this weekend I am going to figure out how to transfer most of my photos there so my computer will be happier and I can empty my camera. It has about 2 weeks worth of photos on it which is probably 600 or so. I know I have a problem. Anyway I will want to show all the great or not-so-great photos I have and I can finally update my 365 blog. I am still taking photos just not able to post them.

So don't give up on me. I'll be back with photos.


Chrissi said...

Did I meet you on the way to the Cities this afternoon? We were on our way back from the orthodontist. Whatever you did, hope it was a lot more fun than getting braces tightened.

Penny Smith said...

I am SO behind on my 365 blog! Taking the pictures, but forgetting to catch up! :)

I have been trying not to be naughty about keeping up!

Hey, add yourself as my follower, and you could win a prize(the idea of the month! LOL!)