Friday, August 21, 2009

Today . . .

*we ate breakfast and were dressed by 9:30, pretty good in my opinion

*we played outside only an hour then it started to rain
*I figured out how to make a monster truck ramp which they thought was fun
Look for the flying trucks in the photos

*there may or may not be loose poop somewhere in this house, kind of a problem

*jeffrey sits at the top of stairs and cries for me to carry him down even though he's crawled down backwards by himself more than once, I keep make him crawl back down with lots of encouragement

*the kids watched james and the giant peach during jeff and reese's nap while enjoying popcorn.
*i actually had a little time to update my POTD blog (just a few posts though) still a long ways to go to get caught up

*i'm pretty much letting them run wild, up and down the stairs a million times and lots of loud screaming and laughing

*they are playing a lot of imaginative games like house, every time I hear "mom" I think they are talking to me -- they're not

*reese is terrorizing jeffrey, the more he cries the more she keeps bugging him she's sat in timeout more than once today

*ethan wrote the letter "E" today only once though

*jackson wanted to make his mom a picture of a monster, I even broke out some glitter for him

*jackson keeps calling Aaron, Uncle John usually he calls him Uncle George

* we did some kitchen dancing to the Michael Jackson CD my sis sent

*the trampoline has gotten a workout today

*my nephews can drink their weight in chocolate milk, addison and aaron are the only ones who likes it here and it's usually just an occasionally treat when we earn a free gallon. we've almost gone through a whole gallon in 36 hours
*jackson had to sit in timeout tonight and jeffrey decided he needed moral support and he sat by him it was so sweet

*my neighbors asked me if I was crazy when they found out I volunteered to watch 2 more kids and we all know the answer to that then she said, "do you plan on getting anything done while they are here?" we all know the obvious answer to that too but then again I feel like I never get anything done with the 58 kids I already have

it was a fun day!

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