Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tummy Update and Selfish Breastfeeding

Here's me at 25 weeks. Growing right along. We qualify for the WIC program which gives the kids and I nutritious food to help us less fortunate people stay healthy and last week I had an appointment to get weighed and make sure I was eating properly for a pregnant woman. They told me I had gained 10 pounds and I needed to gain more. Whatever . . . I get so sick of eating sometimes I finally just go to bed so I don't have to eat again -- don't you think the "EAT" word above my head is so appropriate? Aaron didn't even notice that when he took the photo. My OB doctor is not concerned about my weight and neither am I. I gained 62 pounds with the triplets (and delivered them 7 weeks early); breastfeeding (well pumping) helped me lose that weight and I actually ended up 4 pounds thinner than my skinniest ever. What motivation to breastfeed, huh? Plus you can eat and eat and eat and still all those calories seem to go into the production of milk. So I am planning on breastfeeding mostly for selfish reasons and the baby will get the benefit of it too. Plus I am SO OVER making formula, preparing bottles, messing with the bottles, rings, nipples, caps, and all the other numerous paraphernalia that goes with bottle feeding. I used to have to make it by the gallons with the triplets and mix it with pumped breast milk and I would have to do it at least once, sometimes twice, a day. Plus the waiting for it to warm up and getting all those bottles in the dishwasher. It exhausts me just thinking about it but I know this is only one baby and I don't have to make formula by the gallon but I am going to try to breastfeed for at least 6 months (or more) just for convenience sakes and maybe I'll lose weight more quickly to fit back into regular clothes. Of course, breastfeeding will not fix my lovely "triplet tummy" -- I wish -- but it's nice after being pregnant to feel a little back to normal.

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