Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, it's not really my birthday -- that was a few weeks ago. I received some money as gifts and decided we needed a new digital camera. It came today. Aaron bought my old one about a year before the kids came, digital cameras were still somewhat on the up and coming and it was SUPER expensive but it was 4 mp and lately I have to wait forever after I push the button for the photo to take and of course with 2 year olds the moment is missed. My new one is 8 mp and has a lot of options including video. I've been missing a lot of cute things so now I hopt to capture those moments. And hopefully the quality of my photos will improve too. So thanks to Dad, Mom, my in-laws: Ronn & Patti, and Aaron's Aunt Diana & Uncle Ray for getting this for my birthday -- it's exactly what I wanted!!!!

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