Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Easiest Way to Lose a Pound

Well I did it! I got my haircut and I had a lot of hair all one length way past my shoulders. Like my sister said yesterday about herself "I have no style" and that described my before hair too. I went for a drastic change, not sure I love it (yet) but it took about one drop of shampoo and it's easy to dry and just spray and "mess" it up and your done. The kids didn't know what to think about it and Caden kept rubbing his hands all over his own head ~ I guess to see if he still had hair left. Aaron said he liked it but he likes long hair so I doubt he was telling the truth. My sis, Keely, said just don't get a boy haircut and I'm not too positive that I didn't. Oh well, I swear I will be another pound lighter this week. I only got my haircut twice last year in Feb and Oct. This haircut will take more upkeep than that and I already made my next appointment. So enough obcessing about this hairdo (or is it a "hairdon't"?) . . .

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Camera at last . . .

I pulled out my weekend work that I hadn't looked at in a couple days and I still loved them! What fun!

Caden is horribly addicted to "The Incredibles" and thanks to Aunt Keely he was stocked with Incredibles stuff including the PJs ~ which may I add give you great ABs hey I need those! I spent over $5 on those stickers but they really do add to the page. I printed his photos at this cool online site called I got them on metallic paper with borders which is not too expensive and well worth it. I will be ordering more photos from them so cool!

Addison photo is from our birthday shoot in Oct. She loves her cowgirl boots and balloons are one of her all-time favorites too. Just so sweet!

I used my new machine on both of these -- I love it (Thanks, Honey)!

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, January 15, 2007

No Camera . . .

Well, I did it! I got 2 whole (1 page) layouts done and started on a valentine paperbag book too. However ding-dong me took my digital camera to open gym playgroup on Friday and I left it there. Thank God, I remembered it when we got home and called and I will go get it in a couple days but nobody will be there until Tues and we have had a BIG ice storm and I'm not planning on venturing out unless I absolutely have to! I'll get my camera in a few days and give you a peek at my creations! I even used my new sewing machine and it is heaven compared to the old stupid one (^%#$#^%&*!) that didn't work right and ruined stuff.

Today is Monday and that means according to the flylady that it is house blessing day! You spend an hour speed cleaning your house. I usually vacuum, mop the kitchen and bath, clean the stairs, and dust plus change all the sheets. I LOVE IT when I do this! I haven't been so good lately on the cleaning front so I am going to get back on track with the FLY and may even subscribe to all her annoying emails again but it does help me clean and declutter!


Friday, January 12, 2007

Organizational Hell!

The kids are showing how Mommy has felt about her scrapbook mess lately -- no actually they were pretending to be Monsters with Grammy but that is how I have been feeling about the enormous amount of stuff I have and how I have it EVERYWHERE and can't find anything.

I have spent the last 2 days (well times when kids were napping and sleeping at night) reorganizing my scrapbook stuff. It stayed up until 2:30 am on Wed night doing this. I do believe I could open a scrapbook store with all the stuff I have so I now that I have it reorganized again I am going to actually try to use some of it before I buy more! Today I plan on trying to get at least one layout done. I will post a photo when I get one completed! I am so excited!

And "THANKS" to the sweet girls who left me comments -- I was so excited to see them!

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


I love reading Ali Edwards' blog and actually she inspired me to start one myself (Thanks, Keely for directing me there!). She had posted a challenge on her blog to come up with a word to focus on for the entire year. I chose "enjoy". Being a stay-at-home mom of triplets seems to make the days very full, busy, and scheduled. So much that sometimes I feel like I missing a lot even though I am right here at home with the kids. Each year on their birthday I make a photo slideshow of the past year and I realized this year on the second birthday I was hardly in any photos at all. So this year I want to focus on enjoying the moments of my life: my home, my husband, my kids, my creativity, my family, my life! In order to focus on these things I want some photos of me enjoying those moments. So I've enlisted my husband to help by taking photos that will fit on to the accordion album above {click on the photos above to see the album bigger}. The album is going to sit right on my computer armoire where I can enjoy it and as a reminder to enjoy the moments we are in right now. Thanks Ali for a great challenge!

2 Pounds?

All this hunger for 2 pounds? Well I guess that the normal/average/good amount to lose in one week but man as hungry as I have been it should be more. Oh well it's a start only 18 pounds to go!

No wonder I have trouble losing weight look at 2 of my SNACK THIEVES above. If I let them out of their cribs and I don't immediately go downstairs, the kids will beat me to the snack cubboard and help themselves! What a great breakfast ~ cheese nips and animal crackers!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Rock Stars!

Just some cute photos of the kids in sunglasses. I walk into the playroom tonight and both Caden and Addison are wearing them. Funny! Ethan won't wear his real glasses anymore but play sunglasses . . . SURE!

Weekend was good! I had a great day on Saturday as I spent the whole day scrapbook shopping and attending my monthly scrapbook club/class at Scrapaganza (an awesome store that also has the latest and greatest in). I even had time to use some of my new products and get started on a small project for myself which is something I don't do very often. I hopefully will have it completed this week and show it off here a little.

The healthy eating is getting a little easier and seems to be better when we are busy and I don't have time to think about food . . . now that the weekend is over we will probably be home a little more and so it may be harder. I don't know if I have really lost any weight. I will weigh myself tomorrow to find out and if not I'll have to cut back even more -- Yikes!

This week I am hoping to get some organizational/house cleaning things accomplished. We have the shelves up in the playroom closet which is going to help us organize the kids toys and other supplies which are shoved in every available spot at the moment. I try to rotate toys every couple weeks which makes them new again when we pull them out. This will in turn free up some space in other closets that have toys shoved in them. When you have 3 kids the same age I think you have 10 times the toys! People sure are generous!