Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Animal Fun!

After looking through my photos from the weekend, I saw lots of cute animal photos.
Tippy and Ethan .... I think they have the same smile!
Addison has taken to Otis.  While Aaron and I were working in the barn I noticed these two walking all over the place together.  I think these two are now good friends.
Maybe Tippy is a good impressionist, he has the same look on his face here as Reese.
Snickers wearing Paul's hat.
Addison sitting on Snickers almost all by herself .... pay no attention to those legs behind the horse.
Ethan giving Snickers a try.
And just to prove that I do have 4 kids ... here's Caden.  He's so cautious about everything .... and he's unwilling to try out things like sitting on horses .... he needs to get over this .... he's missing out on a lot .... we'll have to keep encouraging him.  But he is getting good at taking photos ....
He took this one of Tippy and Ethan playing ball.

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