We finally have a pot to pee in . . . in our on-going remodeling project. Of course we have one upstairs too so we weren't totally potless! No sink but shower and potty is a great start.
We had our EI meeting for the kids today to find out where they stand on many fronts. Addison has been dismissed from all areas: speech, physical therapy, and developmental evaluations -- she graduated! Caden will still get speech twice a month but speech therapist thinks he will be dismissed in the next 6 months and so do I -- he is really coming along. Ethan's delays are starting to show up much stronger than before. Mainly because he has less than 10 words and a few signs. He will continue speech therapy once a week and now will get occupational therapy once a week too. He needs to increase his attention span and learn some creative play to help him stay on task with speech therapy. He is way ahead on the physical front -- at least good to hear some positive news! Then my coordinator brought up in May we will begin talking about PRESCHOOL! I thought "WHAT?" They are 27 months now and this is something to talk about for next school year when they will almost be 3. But not sure how I feel although it seems really scary at this moment. At this time I am definitely against all day preschool, 5 days a week. I am more in of a half day kind mode or 2/3 days a week kind of thing. I will learn about it in May and see what they offer and such. I'm leary of sticking them in preschool at 3 since they will not go to school until they are almost 6 -- I think going to 3 years of preschool is too much GEEZ can they enjoy being toddlers? I will start making lists of questions/concerns for the preschool person coming to meet with us in May.
I have had the hardest time being "focused" lately and I swear the sub-artic temps here in the Midwest have frozen my brain. I am behind on housecleaning, laundry, scrapbooking (I signed up for an online class and haven't done the first assignment yet and the next one will be knocking on my door tomorrow). I finally got all my EXTRA scrapbooking stuff listed I had about 15 auctions to list stuff I'm not using! I want to get it out of my way and earn a little bit of cash to go toward the new stuff coming out! Doesn't look like much does it, but photographed in somewhat of an orderly way and described nicely makes it worth about $43 currently!
Well I hear "MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" coming from upstairs I guess they are done napping . . .
1 comment:
I hear ya on the cold weather...we are in the midwest too! It is hard to get motivated. When I roll out of bed in the morning to run to the gym I think gosh, since it is -10 below I need to warm the car up for like 10 minutes and then I won't have time for my work out! So I do some sit ups and call it good. I CAN"T WAIT FOR SPRING! l
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