Monday, May 23, 2011


Yesterday we went to the BIG house (as the kids call it) to receive a delivery .... which made us both question each other why are receiving a big delivery when we aren't in any sort of position to do so ... in remodel world.   Of course we both said it was the other person's fault, thus began the first fight about the BIG house, more to follow I'm sure. 
While waiting for our delivery to be completed we worked on the endless removal of nails in the subfloor and started to peel off wallpaper which so far has revealed some nicer wallboard not crazy plaster problems (YET!).  The kids even helped with this for quite a while.   Previous dwellers of the house have written on the walls ... lots of names but some funny things too like: Let's watch T.V. and My brother loves Bonanza!
These two decided to do some of their own work.  Holding a nail for your sister to hammer is very brave .... it reminds of me of Lucy and Charlie Brown.  I can't remember if this is before or after he punched her in the face; thank goodness he didn't use a hammer to hit her.
 We found another resident at our house .... I'm hoping this is the only other "critter" we find. 
Our first family portrait in front of the house. 
This photo is for my sisters ..... I know they will find it ironic and funny!

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