Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Almost a Big Boy!

Day #1 was a success in my opinion on switching child #1 to a big boy bed! Caden did so well. We have one toddler bed that our friend, Sonia, found for $15 on clearance and somebody has to be booted out of a crib in the next 3 months for the baby. So we put the toddler bed in our room to get him used to sleeping in it before he is "free" in the party bedroom. The best part was I got him Spiderman sheets and that made all the difference in the world -- Caden is in love with Spiderman. He carried the package around for a day before we put them on the bed. We made the bed yesterday morning and at 8:30 am he was ready to go night-night. Addison was too and I heard several protests of "I want Dories!" which means I want Dora the Explorer sheets on a big girl bed. I even let him use the baby quilt I made him while I was on bedrest and it needs a few more inches of stitches to finish it but he liked it. At nap time Caden was super eager to get into his bed and Addison was more than upset to not be getting in that bed. I laid in our bed for about an hour and he didn't get up but he flipped around a lot and I finally had to go to the bathroom so I left him there saying now stay in bed. Once I heard him walking and he had snuck into the hallway and grabbed his old Thomas sandals and when he heard me coming he went running back to his bed. I left again and he fell asleep for at least 2 to 2-1/2 hours. He came downstairs when he woke up. We went back upstairs to get Addison and Ethan. Addison woke up in as bad of a mood as she went to sleep screaming "I want my Spiderman bed too!".

He was really excited to show Daddy his big boy bed when he came home too. At bedtime he crawled right in and we tried to plan ahead a little: set the alarm clock to a lower volume and get our clothes for tomorrow out so we wouldn't wake him at 5:30 when we usually get up. He fell asleep in about 45 minutes which is normal for him and I went to check on him a few times and even though we was awake, he stayed in his bed. He slept all night and we didn't' wake him up this morning when we got up and he woke up promptly at 7:30 and came downstairs happy and he and I got to spend some time alone together which never happens. I had to wake Addison and Ethan up finally at 8 so we could get ready for school. So far it's a success and I hope that it continues -- I was planning on keeping him in our room for 2-3 weeks but I think I may be able to move him back to his room in a week and Addison can then join us for her big girl bed training. But I have to get sewing Addison's baby quilt isn't even started yet!

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